My Thoughts on this whole KAVANAUGH situation.

Let me get this straight and to the point, Any man or woman being sexually assaulted or rape is in my mind a barbaric act that belongs in the dark ages,, not in the 21st century and I strongly believe those if found guilty under evidence should be sentenced to prison.

Here's the problem:

This isnt Evidence, this a person making a calm that they were raped or sexually assaulted, without evidence this would not stand up in court, why?

Law: Rape or sexual assault has to be proven in a court of law with evidence, Hearsay saying he or she sexually sexual assaulted you isnt evidence, nor should a person be convicted or sentence under hearsay without evidence of the barbaric act.

This is from a police website:

When deciding whether or not to report a sexual assault to the police, it is important to know what will be involved in the process so you can make the decision that is best for you. Remember, the role of the police is to be impartial investigators. When a sexual assault has been reported to the police, officers are responsible for gathering, evaluating, and processing information and/or evidence. They must critically evaluate whether the evidence supports prosecuting the case regardless of their personal feelings. They must also rely on the Crown Prosecutor to concur that there is a reasonable likelihood of conviction before proceeding with laying charges. Part of being an impartial investigator is that the police officer may refer to you as the victim, as this is the term used to refer to anyone who has had a crime committed against them.

Here the problem with KAVANAUGH sexual assault calm:

Christine Blasey Ford Calms on September 16 that I quote "stumbling drunk" 17-year-old Kavanaugh pinned her down, put his hand over her mouth, and groped her while his friend watched."I thought he might inadvertently kill me," Ford told The Post of Kavanaugh. "He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing." which is calms

Here's the flaw in this calm against Kavanaugh:

Christine Blasey Ford, later on, said that she didn't remember a thing about the night other than she was sexually assaulted but thinks it was Kanavaugh but she unsure about it.

Which is where the problem is, it a bit funny this accusation seem to happen when a new justice system supreme court judge is being elected, Watching the Congress video Lindsey point out that the Democrat said no way in hell will I let a Republican take control of the justice supreme court.

I mean this does sound like false accusations on a man that innocent just to push for political power for the 2020 election, this is what it looks like. Im not saying that I don't believe in Christine, but there are no facts or evidence of Kavanaugh doing this.

Falsely calming Rape or sexual assault of someone is wrong because you're ruining their lives if they are innocent, it seems that Democrats don't seem to care whether this man could be innocent, We not saying we don't believe in a woman being sexually assaulted we believe in the evidence brought forward and all the facts brought forward.

She has no witness, no evidence or facts of  Kavanaugh of this evidence, if the evidence proves that Kavanaugh is guilty then fair enough this man is disgusting should face jail, but if evidence is shown that this man is falsely accused on this act, there is no evidence of this, then those accusing him should make a public apologise toward him and his family.

What's wrong is acting like animals confronting where they work or in public, this is witch hunting and it wrong. We should not be listening to the media they are just fueling hatred, We should wait for the evidence to be proven from the court of law if he is found guilty then he faces jail.

But saying that you should be convicted on just someone saying they raped you or sexual assault that person goes to jail without due process of law with evidence, then you set a dangerous situation of a corrupt system letting innocent people go to jail for nothing.

If you go down this route then someone like me could easily calm I was rape or sexual assault you go to jail for it. This is the route this is gonna go in, this is like the Salem witch hunts your guilty regardless of no evidence.

This is where it becomes dangerous. Law: you are innocent until proven guilty, Evidence needs to be weighed up, facts of what happens and what date it happened on, witness's, victim evidence need to be put in evidence. Without all these this is nothing but Salem witch hunts all over again.

If a woman is a rape or sexual assault they need to report it the day it happens, not accuse one 30 years down the line, there is a law woman do get listen to this is bullshit that they don't, the reason that most women get ignored is because of false calms, which a few women have done they are now in jail for false calm.

After Reading this you probably think im just a woman hater or make some stupid comment about my character, you would be wrong.

Yes, im a man so what, that doesn't prove anything, I have the most upmost respect for a woman I would never force myself ever on any woman, i would rather hit a door or wall before I ever hit a woman  Because that who iam as a man.

What i see happen from these liberal democrats is causing a massive problem with the false accusation not to mention the double standard when woman is
 being sexual assult from migrates but not once has any of these so-called survived stood up for the woman or made a public out cry over it, but it easy for them to accuss and publically Destroy a republican family and name. Come on. What are we doing here.

Fenimst complains why men don't want to know them or go out with them, this is because most men are afaird to be accused of this shit, which why most men stay single you can't blame them. This is what liberals have created a sociality of fear and witch hunts.

This world is becoming a joke. But do I believe Kavanaugh is innocent? Yes I believe he is, but i'l let the evidence prove that if he is guilty then yes i believe he should be jailed.
