This bad practice seems to be embraced by Millennials across the world and, when these things are brought up, they defend it like it’s some good thing that the industry is doing. This is not the case, as it is destroying the enjoyment of gaming, plus, having to spend more money on a game that you've paid $60 for? That's just not worth more than what you are paying for.
The lame excuses we get from the devs or co of the companys is that we have to pay the devs, like seriously with the amount of people that actually buy your games you would think they would make enough profit from the sale alone considering these games are $60 each.
Whats even worst is that most of us gamers see right through this crap from the co and can see that these people are lying just to get more money out of us, this is because the simple fact the dev are already being paid from the profits these companies are just grabbing every pound they can get out of nothing but greed.
First, it was DLC (Downloadable Content). Most of us were smart enough not to pay for DLC if the game wasn't worth the money. These DLCs were taken out to con us into thinking it’s new content, but were part of the initial production. This is the blind spot most people fail to see and seem to just accept, but accepting this lets companies get away with it more because they think gamers are so stupid that they can get away with making a mediocre game and charging gamers more money to get more things in the game.
That is the thing most gamers don't get and when think with their wallets, which is their choice; but they don't realise that they are letting gaming companies get away with grabbing unnecessary money for a game that should've been fully developed in the first place.
Now, it’s gone from micro-transactions and DLC to a loot crate system, which is even worse, as it turns the gaming industry into a pay-to-win system. This makes it less about skill and more about spending more on a game that is not worth it.
Take the new Star Wars Battlefront 2: EA said they wouldn't be doing DLC for the game- which everyone was hyped about- before realising that EA was still going to use micro-transactions with the loot crate system. According to the game, you have to spend 600 to 700 hours of grinding just to get a gold loot crate with an upgraded weapon. This is so you can progress through the game against players that have high weapons because they've paid for gold create.
This forces gamers to actually pay for these loot crates, which are from $10 to $60 each. That is a lot of money to pay, especially when it’s a gamble with $60 you pay for each crate and you don't know what you are getting. In a game, you're paying $10 to $60 at a time for one silver, bronze, or gold crate where you might end up get something worse than what you have or the same thing, wasting money. By the time you get something higher, you could possibly be spending over $400- maybe more on a game you only paid $60 for.
This same loot crate system is being used in Middle-earth: Shadow of War, Assassin’s Creed: Origins, and Star Wars Battlefront 2. Because of this, people are now starting to boycott these games because they now see this as a con to gamers.
Not to mention Gamestop’s despicable practice with Assassin’s Creed: Origins. You will only get a bonus mission if you pre-order, basically blocking anyone that hasn't pre-ordered and you will have to pay for this DLC later instead of it being free with the game. It’s a joke.
It’s because of these practices in the gaming industry that this industry is slowly dying with over paid games and the gaming companies who haven't learn a damn thing. This money-grabbing, corrupt system that gamers are allowing to happen will ultimately destroy the industry in due time, like the Empire destroyed itself in Star Wars for being evil.
Question: Do you agree with this or do you have other opinions? Let us know in the comments below what you think of this industry’s practices and loot crate system replacing DLC’s.
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