Scalebound Cancelled Officially

Wow the internet is on fire with the news that xbox exclusive game scalebound has been official cancelled , this from what i gather isnt the only one that was cancelled over the year. But not to rub salt in a wound that clearly open right now ,  a few year back the xbox fanboy's were bragging about this game saying having this game will beat sony playstation.hand down.

Yet today they are all quite & i wonder why ? lol , the only people that are actually in a uproar about this are the real gamers. Which let's face it this game actually look good for a action dragon rider style game which is a shame its been cancelled for some unknown reason. weird right ?

Microsoft Studio's only announced the cancellation saying:

" After Careful deliberation , microsoft studios has come to the decision to end production for Scalebound." a microsoft spokesperson said to a magazine "were working hard to deliver an amazing lineup of games to our fans this year , including halo wars 2, crackdown 3, state of decay 2 , sea of Thieves with other great experiences."

Really microsoft ! ? i think the the so called fan your on about our in a uproar over this decision special looking on you tube with all the angry rant videos of this.

According to sources it's been confirmed that scalebound was reported to be in trouble & could be cancelled a few month backs  , which looks like these reports were actually true. It's also been confirmed that Microsoft and platinum have part ways by multiple sources and that platinum had stopped working on this project before the end 2016.

So now come the question will platinum make a deal with other consoles to have this game on the nintendo switch & ps4 or will this game never see the light of day ? .

 What more troubling is that there is further news that crackdown 3 is in trouble as well , so could this be the next game to be cancelled , if so i can see microsoft losing a lot of gamers to switch or ps4 in 2017.

PlatinumGames hasn't had a good year for this japanese studio ,  who has released three poorly received titles in 2016: Star fox zero with a bundled title star fox guard which are both co developed with nintendo.

Not to meant the poorly designed Ninja turtles:Mutants in manhattan which was pulled from digital storefront last week.

 With the cancellation of scale bound the only game now that platinum games have coming in 2017 is Nier Automata which is released on 7th march in north america , other two untitled games being released are Granblue fantasy project Re: link and lost order.

So the future of this company is unknown at this point , but if they carry on with poorly recieved games we could see another game company being lost with the other 60 games companies over the years to be liquidated or brought out.

But if Platinum games and this is just opinion if they are smart enough should make a deal with sony or switch to make games for them , because write now microsoft seem to be making the same mistake they've done it the past,

But what do you think? do you think platinum game should make the right choice get a deal with other company or should they just bury the game continue with a new IP?
