This is the picture of so called melted ps4 pro accord to fanboys lol , you can clearly see its a Lighter burn from the outside not from the inside , what make this even more funny is if you open the ps4 pro up you can see where this burn is, it's actually where the fan is pmsl .!!!!!!!! nice try fanboys
OMG Sorry ive got to say this Crapgamer & nexgen720 if you one of these gamers that listen to these guys for information then you are a dumb idiot & you have completely shown yourself as one. Your a disgrace to the gaming community which no one is gonna take you seriously apart from the idiots fanboys that follow.
These two idiots are report fake news on the ps4 pro melting funny how there is no reports on line that this is happening , this is nothing more that some idiot putting a lighter too it.
This so called picture is a lighter burn from someone trying to make the ps4 pro look bad so the xbox Scorpio wins , you can clearly see it's a lighter burn so why try to deny this ? If people actually had a brain cell to think logically you would research this & see it not true before make a complete idiot of yourself which is still entertaining that these dumb ass's think were "ACTUALLY" stupid.
Oh wait weve been here before with the ps4 over heating mmmmmmm , when will people learn that if you want to be taken seriously you dont make false calms. Because the true always come out in the end you are left looking the fool for report false news) just sad when you have to result this to make your own choice of console look good.
As for the 4k tv problem with the console not working with the ps4 pro , people iver have a low IQ or seriously uneducated or dont read the fin-print..... because if you bother to listen to Sony in the first place you have to choose the right 4K TV for the ps4 pro. Why? because not all 4k tv will be compatible with the console , this was mention some time ago As Forbes has mention here which i have highlighted :
As for the 4k tv problem with the console not working with the ps4 pro , people iver have a low IQ or seriously uneducated or dont read the fin-print..... because if you bother to listen to Sony in the first place you have to choose the right 4K TV for the ps4 pro. Why? because not all 4k tv will be compatible with the console , this was mention some time ago As Forbes has mention here which i have highlighted :
Not all 4K tv will work with the ps4 so dont go rushing out to buy a 4K tv until you know which 4k tv is compatible , the ps4 pro isn't like the ps4 in technology it has a high resolution out put , yes it will work on a HD 1080p 60fps tv but is only compatible with certain 4K tv so chose your tv wisely.
This is why people are complain that they arnt getting a signal from the ps4 pro because they dont have the right "COMPATIBLE 4K TV"
Research goes along way when you do it right , dont listen to fanboys because they take what they read & twisted it to suit them instead of giving the full facts. Fanboys like these two give you false & fake news.
Article brought to you by Dragon Scorpio 77 / MK
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