Write by Chaos council member / Dragon scorpion 77
Any one that say this game isn't visual stunning would be lying , because this game is beautiful stunning in enivorment texture & game play is awesome , i didn't come across any frame drops or glitches during the first play though which is a good sign.
The story to this last game is actually well thought out with a goonies style pirate theme with a few action scene & exploring although the flash back game play wasn't really necessary in the game because this could of been done with the other 3 games
Game play is a a little tricking at time with a style of tomb raider climbing with puzzles to solve that arnt really a challenge they were pretty easy to figure out so there isn't any challenge there , the game play is good although the constant climbing everything can be a little frustrating at time because you spend more of the game climbing than shoot the bad guys with action scene fighting which is ok but it can get a little boring.
These are mostly the good points about the game, the down side is the cinematic of the game these arent short when you first play the game you cant skip these scene because you get the feel for the game story as it goes along , it tense to be more like a movie that a game but the good thing is there is a seamless transaction between cut scene & game play like you dont even notice sometime that you've continue on the story.
Although these cut scene are good they tend to take too much of the game play up, you find your self just wanting the game's cut scene to finish so you can carry on, yes im aware some people are fine with this but some people hate long winded cut scene.
The trophy system is pretty straight forward but some are a bit of a challenge , but this is what i hate the most Multiplayer trophy being force to play a multiplayer just so you can platinum a game is the most anouying thing ever specially when im not a multiplayer player gamer, i dont like multiplayer at times being forced to play it just to get simple trophy shouldn't be in the platinum challenges.
I feel as a gamer trophy system she only have trophy that involve the main game unless the game is MMO then that different.
The one thing i notice playing the multiplayer trail which was getting seriously anouying was this constant need for stupid message pop up that would freeze the game until you pressed & hold X, this didn't just happen once it happen through out every trail.
It was like very 5 secs i would pick up something or throw something i would get this stupid message tip that freezes the game in the middle of a fight leave you vulnerable, once is enough but have this happen every 5 second when you try to complete a trail is beyond stupid.
Game play is brilliant
Story is good
The fighting machic are good by take a while to get use to them
Characters development is good
Visual stunning
Being force to play multiplayer for the trophy system
Trails in multiplayer you keep getting stupid messages tip that freezes the game during battle
The cut scene can seem a little long winded at time.
Game Rating: 8 out of 10
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