Mass Effect Andromda Review

By Dragon Scorpion 77 

I've finally complete the game so im giving my final thoughts on the game as a whole, yes ive been pretty vocal because the issue over the first few day and people getting shitty over the complaints about the game. but are they warranted?

"Yes" and "No" is the answer to that as the game does have a few issue and some main issue but it not all a bad game but far from perfect, im sure i will still get complained at for giving some of these issue but sorry this issues have to be addressed from a honest opinion of view and not a fanboy/girl point of view.

Good parts about this game there are several things that i like about the game, the cinematics in the game are brilliantly done as they have been in the first 3 original games. The combat system and game play flow's smoothly, they have improved on this combat system, bioware has taken the away the fixed character style play of the class and instead mixed this powers up which i find is useful for certain situations .

As you could be playing as pure soldier you need to switch to adapt or sential to throw the enemy from behind cover, which make this a very useful system to have in the middle of combat situation plus is easy to switch but you only have 3 slot to fit each class power.

Graphics wise the planet's environment are pretty stunning in graphics give a realistic alien world which you can explore, although their is only 7 worlds in which you can land on an explore and do various mission and fetch mission with tasks iver from your team mates or environment character where the other 3 planets are not explorable as they are a side mission and end mission areas, where the rest are for mining. So you looking at 7 explore worlds where you can do fetch mission and loyalty mission, 3 non-explores worlds and 28 mining worlds like mass effect 3 just gather xp or mineral.

The best think already is the nomad easy to drive, fast and you can customise the colour and performance by buying certain colour and nomad upgrade from certain vendors. Unlike the annoying environment of the original game where you got stuck trying to get over high places the nomad has this engine which from four wheel drive to a six wheel drive which make it so much easy to get around.

The only thing your gonna miss from the nomad is the weapons as sadly this nomad doesn't have weapons installed, so the game forces you to get out of the vehicle in combat situation which is ok if you like to be hand on combat cut down raiders or the kett.

Armour upgrade system is good as you get to mixed match the armour instead of being stuck with just one set of armour, the N7 armour is back in the game which actually look amazing when you put the N7 chest armour with the initiative arm and leg armour in this black and white colour look good on the male or female character your playing.

 Some of the aliens you encounter from "Agrarians" and kett along with the some of the original species we know we know and some weird new creatures and the remnant, does add a little more to the game. With the multiplayer unless your looking for the platinum on this game doesn't force you to play these multiplayer section of the game which is something i like because it give you the choice to play multiplayer or not, you can send in a strike team to do this mission for you.

But here why the game isnt perfect not by a long shot, yes there are certain issue that can be fixed but sadly there are problems with this game that cant be fixed and are periment, which is a shame from bioware since they have produces some great games so far but now seem to be losing that talent.

Yes they have had 5 years to make this game perfect, but as we've seen lending up to the build up of this game the company has had issue with staff leaving the game being past over to different offices across the world which has result in this game being the way it is.

ya we can all make excuses in defending the game saying its fun and all that but fun doesnt automatically make the game perfect, There are is a few issue with bug here and there with screen back ground being blank not showing what out in space, just a black empty screen to weird movement of characters or back ground which i didnt come across but had a few issues by having two Drakes on board the tempest.

I believe it was on eso one of monolifts i encountered a slightly graphic glitch with the power cables to look for the remnant codes.

 These issue can be easily fixed with a simple patch, the others things are with the CC (character creation) is a big problem when you are created a character, there isnt enough opinion on it by the time you create a character and enter the game , it look bad in the game the character you have created look ugly on screen.

This is where the CC could have been improved on the game give the option more creation to perfect the character so it doesnt look bad in the game, it why i think most gamer stick to the default ryder then create their own.Sorry but 5 years and we get this come on bioware. prove is here that you could of done better with the talent you still have to make this characters look better on screen. It ok if your playing this on pc because with mods you can change the look to look better, but for console games we get screwed up with this mistake which bioware should of know better.

Story wise of the game sadly not feeling any emotion in the game story, as a film review my self if a story isnt selling what it meant to be trying to put across the story fails , here the problem here with this story you have to look at it from this point of view.

Family is family not matter how you look at or how you take it, if something happens to one of your family it hurt like hell you get emotional stress and cry. This is bioware biggest mistake in the story which doesnt sell the story at all for being a believable situations,

 (Spoiler Alert )

in the game the path finder get hand down to you because you father dies after saving your life, now when you get to the ship and you say that your father is dead there is no emotional response from the characters or the character you are playing how the hell are you expected to believe this game story.

It like these moment have no emotional content like is a soulless oh your dad is dead no body cares moments, you can not have this in a story if you trying to portray a game with a story, its like bioware hasn't made this game based of characters and based more on exploring.

This is wrong for any story, if you had this in a film with this content that film would seriously flop, The main thing's that a story needs to be believable is good character with emotions give a situation that emotional grieve when losing someone or anger in a situation when some one piss's you off, sadly this game has no of this which is why this game story side fail's.

The original mass effect trilogy has emotional content with each character's special with command shepard, special with mass effect 3 when you said good bye before run to the tower and lose mordin. The characters from te original we fell in love with because it had one of the best character development in a game.

Mass effect andromda sadly has no character development, no character that stands out like garrus and wrex, it like these character were just throw in for the sack of it, 7 planets exploring and 28 mining planets that are pretty pointless, common on there is so much missed opportunity here that could of gone in to this game to have new alien species all we get is one new species the Agrarians as the only new make friends with and enemy the kett.

These 28 other planets could of had more alien species to allie with and met to me this felt lazying in story writing, because in the original we met 4 different specie krogan, turian, salarian and quarians what do we get in this game one alien species.  I'm not trying to complain here but there is so many choice that could of been done in giving more that 7 planets with on race to met, with the enemy

Although i do feel the kett seem like a formidable enemy sometime they feel a like weak, special with the archon looking the way he does, just felt like you could give the guy a hug not get killed, he was a bit of a lack buster in a enemy boss, saren was a better enemy then this guy.

Task menu system - This is the biggest problem in the game you are give task every now any then which you have to go to different planet to do, but here the problem, unlike the mission waypoints that show you where to go, the task mission point dont to where you need to go this is completely pointless in the game because you can spend hours trying to find out where your meant to go still not find where this task is.

This is poor for bioware to actually put this in the game like this, im not saying that the game should hold you hand show you directly where things are but should have an indicator on the area you need to look. Because not having this in the game showing you where you need to look, it forces you to come off the game and look at you tube of where these things are which is bad for the game.

the whole menu system with everything from missions and collection items is a mess should be straight forward, some of the voice acting is bad as well, its not just lipsync its the just the diology really bad.

Bioware said in a video saying that there was 100 worlds to explore but there is only 39 planets systems each with 5 planets, you can only land and explore on 7 of them.  

(Rest of the game)

Combat of the game seriously playing this game on easiest mode offers no challenge as it seriously hold your hand, so the game is meat to be played on a hard mode that where this game really challenges you in combat give a sense of achievement.

The fetch missions can be a pain as they take most of the game up so you not really invested in the story, so it more explore that combat which is another reason why the story fails because the lack of, as you spend at least 30 hours just exploring.

i would honest say that 40% of the game is ok but the other 40% of the game needed fixing, 20% can't be fixed that periment.

Overall verdict:

Combat is good that been improved
Planet environment are stunning in portraying the alien world
Mining is the same as mass effect 3
nomad is easy to drive around the worlds
Armour mix match is good.
Not forced to play multiplayer

You met only one race and become allies
The kett are a bit of a lack luster enemy
Out of 39 systems you can only explore 7
The menu system with items is a mess
the story lacks emotion with characters
the animation in the CC is bad.

Overall score for mass effect andromeda 6 out of 10

i honest dont think i can give this game any more than this because i find the story doesnt really have replay value, if they fix the animation and give the game more playing advance to met new alien races than i would give it a high score. But in no way is this game a 10 out of 10 game or a 9. to many problems.  

