For Honor is it worth buying?

There was a lot of hype for this new IP game before it came out , but does it really live up to the hype in my opinion no. There are some good points about this game but sadly there is so many bad point about this game, which make this game very shorted lived.

Story wise is pretty good giving two side mission to find observation points and breakable stuff , the combat is fast a brutal but not much blood which is a shame really. The game does offer some challenges in in the story mode as it teach you to watch the red arrow to when the enemy is gonna strike , its hard at times because enemy block too and this can be a challenge to find weakness.

Dont be despaired by this as the game mechanic offers you a break block move to knock the enemy out of guard to strike, with each faction sadly there is only 3 in the story mode "samurai" , "knights", "vikings" each have there own unique style of fighting.

Knights fighting style - relays on defense and distance with a long sword.
Samurai fighting style relays on Fast striking with samurai sword or spears
Viking fighting style relays on brute strength

This is ok in in story mode but sadly the story mode for each faction only has 6 stages, which sadly you can do with in two hours of getting the game. This is the problem ubisosft sold this game as a story based game with multiplayer but sadly put more effort in multiplayer side of the game which has it own problems.

Graphic wise this game is ok but the problem this game has is the lack for story mode which will put people off buy this game , because the hack and slash only goes so far before you get bored with the game. What they've done is practically made a destiny style game where you have to play 6 stage mission over and over again just to level high , this jut like destiny can get boring.

Multiplayer side of the game isnt really throughout well as the match making side of the game is ridiculously bad , as if you a player just starting on level 1 you get matched with player level 12 or high. This is just stupid because someone on level 1 isnt gonna beat the player on level 12 , this is why PvP is just poorly done as you match with un-matched players of the game.

Here the other things this game has the faction area season where when you choice your faction to play in you gain areas of the map , here the problem there is miss matched faction in characters which shouldn't be mixed.

Like if your playing for the knights your team should only have knights in your team not a mixed one , this sadly is why this game is just all over the place. The other problem as well is that the game has this pay to win opinion of spending money to get more in game cash giving player's better equipment while other have to grind to get better it a slow progress.

Weapon and armor system is pretty simple keep playing rounds to get equipment, kind of like "Battlefield" system where you gain coins where you can iver buy basic, weapon , armor or premium opinion in a hope to get better weapons and armor. This is a gamble as the equipment you do get is normal low grade which is no good if you in a pvp duel, special when a playing is on a higher level level than you.

 which is frustrating because as ive said the match making system is flawed, which unfortunately leaves the game unmatched as most of the time your going up against players that have spent money to get better equipment, it's an unfair advantage to those that have no money to spend this type of money.

To be honest unlike most multiplayer games this multiplayer does offer much to actually keep playing it, as well as the short story mode the hype fades very fast after a few plays of this game. Sadly i regret buying this game, but thankfully "Horizon Zero Dawn" is out soon as well as "Mass Effect Andromeda" , so this game will be a distance memory.

Do i think this game is worth buying?  ........ No seriously dont waste your money as this game offers nothing special in story or multiplayer.

Story is ok
Combat system offers a challenge
Armor is ok with certain characters.
PVE is pretty good

Cons:Story is too short (you can complete in an hours)
Multiplayer doesnt have much to offer as there is no conquest big battle modes its just death matches, domination and duel modes that it.
Pvp mode is unmatching system to the level your own give play less of a challenge.
Pay to win system give players unfair advantages.

Total Rating For Honor: 5.6 out of 10

It just not a game worth rushing out for sadly.
